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General-Purpose bragging topic!

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General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby TheSchachter on Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:45 am

So, if you're like me, you like this game *a lot*. And if you're like me, accomplishing something particularly tough or noteworthy in this game makes you want to excitedly share it with everyone. And, well, if you're like me, your desire to share your accomplishments are in serious conflict with your desire to not annoy others with countless new topics about silly things, or perhaps a desire to not show off too much, and those feelings all bubble up until you end up writing a big post in the wrong topic, possibly derailing a thread or otherwise being out of place :P

Anyway, I decided to make this topic so that anyone who wants to excitedly flaunt their achievements, of any kind, can do so as much as they want without feeling self-concious! Whether you've just beaten the Venture Cave, or the Tower of Gaan-Telet, or the Vicious Token Vicious Gaan-Telet (with a Goatperson), if you're proud and want to share, you're welcome to post here :)

Please note that I'm absolutely not trying to discourage other people from creating their own topics to brag or share their accomplishments in pre-existing threads! I'm mainly doing this to assuage my own self-conciousness, since it feels okay to brag when others are bragging with you :P Besides, I thought it could be fun to congratulate each other and maybe provide inspiration for when we're struggling.

So, tell us: What have you accomplished recently? What are your proudest moments in this game?

Myself, I just beat the Cursed Oasis with a Monk. Funny enough, PQI sent me there to get Cheeky, and without thinking (it's just Cheeky after all), I send an Orc Monk in there without preparations. As soon as I enter the dungeon, I realise what I got myself into XD So I back out and start thinking how in the world I'm supposed to beat this dungeon with a Monk (my completion for all Hard dungeons is nearing 100%, so I'm going to have to do it at some point). In the end I decide to go in as a Gnome Monk of Jehora Jeheyu, and play it pure caster from start to finish. Preps were JJ, Elven Boots, Slayer Wand, Magnet: Fireball, Black Market, Whupaz+Quicksliver+Reflexes+Schadenfreude (wasn't thinking about that one, haha) + Apothecary. Forgot to prep a compression seal, would've made my life easier...

Anyhow, got two shots of boost mana as I leveled up early on animated armors, then switched focus to bandits and occasionally shades as the blackspace was getting low. Decided to buy a Dragon Soul in the shop halfway through, since the rest of the shop pool was rubbish and I figured I could convert the spare... Ended up getting one hit of Boost Health to avoid Piety overflow (saved this run in the end) as well, started on the Shade boss at levels 6-to-7, then Chaos-Avatar to 8, managing to take him down without using my prepped Shadenfreude thanks to the lowered resists(though I did need a couple of Mana potions). Then, onto the Cursed Dragon... I had to start worrying since it had quite a bit more health than I'd rememberd, and the Retaliate Fireball was going to get through my health much faster than I'd anticipated. Thankfully, there was a Dracul altar along with a Taurog altar... so I desecrate Taurog's altar, convert anything I get my hands on, kill any weak enemy left... and get *just* 50 Piety. Then Blood Curse and two hits (later a third one) of Blood Tithe give me the staying power I need to keep pelting him with fireballs. I end up one fireball short and panic... only to remember that I can obviously convert my Elven Boots and Dragon Soul for one last mana potion, and that the final fireball doesn't get a retaliation. Whew!

Although overall, my proudest accomplishment has to be when I beat the Dragon Isles Purist and got Feeling Parched in the same run. Felt absoultely kickass. =D

Alright, I've done my bragging for now. Your turn! :)
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby TwentyNine on Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:38 am

Pretty minor stuff, but beating normal Tower of Gaan'Telet with a Human Rogue (figured the attack bonus would have been wonderful since the dungeon is long) that managed to get JJ in the first subdungeon. Last Chance really was the savior of the day for Horratio.

The most, most recent was one-shotting (!) Vicious Halls of Steel with an Elf Wizard (only Cheeky :S), am on my way to slowly beating the three monster class quests, which means 1 character down, 8 to go. The whole extent of that play was managing to get both Amulet of Yendor + Orb of Zot in the same run, going after the Vampire first and killing him with prepped Whupaz+Orb combo, and then fireballing the Indomitable to death. Ended up using MA - Flames from I'd say level 6, then converting to GG at the very last moment; something I'm probably going to want to learn how to scum better for the later classes I attempt with + the other two vicious dungeons, I bet. I feel as though my win was ultimately really cheesy and I've yet to experience bad times with Vicious in general.

I will eventually want to just play and do every single normal dungeon with every class just to say I've beaten every nook and cranny, which comes later and for much fun. :D
Last edited by TwentyNine on Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby OneMoreNameless on Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:50 am

I may take half an hour to overthink almost every decision. I may consistently spend a hundred gold on preps. And it is true that I may not always achieve the badge that I had set my mind to.


I also cannot remember the last time I actually lost a burning dungeon run.

That is my brag. Risk not an askance uttering of the locution 'vicious' nor 'gold' lest I call upon my dutifully if singularly obtained Avatar's Codex to smite ye thus.
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby Lujo on Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:55 pm

Having learned to play the alpha more from the wiki than from the game, and often being stumped by new classess I feel proud every time I manage to figure something on my own. So my brag is being able to take the Transmuter through VGT and figuring out a sensible playstyle with him, where all his abilities work in unison :oops:

I'm also rather proud of my TT exploits - he seems to intimidate a lot of people, and me and him had been bffe. At one point I was detailing optimal strategies for making money in a dungeon and kept going on about money, money, money. Everybody thought I was using it to buy the expensive elite items, but then it turned out I didn't even unlock that bazaar level and had never bought a single one. People were - :shock: - The hell is he doing with all that swag? I was giving it all away to my bffe TT and getting busted favours in exachange <3 I started with just picking him up after I've killed the boss to squeeze a bit of gold for the kingdom from TT boons, then thought to actually try the potions out... Ended up routinely prepping him to do lvl1 bosskills, after his exploity poison was nerfed, even. From nobody to nightmare, ftw :)
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby lolQuaff on Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:05 pm

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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby The Avatar on Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:31 pm

My single greatest achievement (beyond 100%ing stuff), was breaking Binlor. He used to dish out way more magic resists AND vicious had way more magic monsters. I used him to beat Namtar and DL to 100% before I was even that good. He was incredibly broken and rather underused. The thing was, back then stone heart gave 5% magic resist, took away half as many walls (and the walls didn't have to be visible), and affected the whole map (excluding you). That got nerfed pretty quick :)

Also, one thing that always surprises me pleasantly when I pull it off is winning VGT without Whupaz (usually because I forgot to quaff it). It makes your character feel ridiculously powerful.
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby Wargasm on Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:40 pm

*Finally* got Namtar's beaten again, and I know one person at least is going to be tickled as to how because these preps with this race make close to zero sense, but it worked.

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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby Lujo on Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:51 pm

What do you mean preps make no sense, I invented that and it works as a better mind screw when you do it with a Bloodmage ^^

Cursed treasure for buyout is a nice touch, though, got to give you that.

And, well, congratulate you on finding something that I haven't seen anyone else do (Sidestepper and Blovski might've, Blovski was also doeing drac preps, though). And they say you can't worship Drac early, shakes head...

EDIT: Sorry, was too harsh - the class selection is pretty brilliant and thanks for illuminating me on a very fun way to play berserkers. Much appreciated :) (Very sorry if I came out as arrogant I should really think before I speak, this is a great job). Halfling strats are always the most unintuitive crazzy ass schemes which turn out :shock: lly good.
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby Wargasm on Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:06 pm

Well the "no sense" was using a Halfling while prepping a deity with a penalty for drinking health potions. ;) Not the world's best call, honestly, but I was hoping I'd either get Pactmaker and be able to convert the health potions for XP, or that I'd get a heavy Warlock population. Neither really happened, but what I DID get was Stone Sigil and Agnostic's Collar to keep my piety high enough that I could get away with drinking all my potions (except the last one that went unused.) I actually almost prepped MA instead, figuring I could use Mystic Balance + Refreshment to get past the physical resist forms, and actually that might have worked too, but using Dracul to max my magic resist, get a small chunk of physical resist, and swing the RBS around served well enough. I had to adjust my playstyle a bit, because usually I'm only dealing with Slow if I'm playing a Platemailed Vampire.

Got a bit of use out of the Tri-Sword too, and had some interesting moments switching between spikes, regen-fighting, and blood pool usage (I took two hits of Blood Tithe and two Blood Swells up top before I lost access to the altar.) Made sure to kill the imps on each level and regen the lost hp (from being Slow) before taking on Namtar's forms.

On a side note, just imagine if you could prep Platemail _and_ Naga Cauldron.
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Re: General-Purpose bragging topic!

Postby Lujo on Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:15 pm

You mean you didn't just sink a ton of potions into piety for resists allowing you to kick ass left and right? O.O

Anywho, to keep this topic about bragging and not derail another topic (let's just kick that habit, ok), I've got a few VGT stories I'm proud of, and Avatar's brag reminded me of the most epic moment I've had there ever. I was making vids and did few, and the last one I did was with the monk. That damned thing was so powerful in the incarnation of VGT before this one that I reached Horatio, thought about it and did the following. Converted Whoopaz. Converted Martyr Wraps. And then kicked his ass. I decided not to put that vid on You-tube and deleted it because it would serve no purpose other than make all the other classess look bad by comparison :D
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