So, if you're like me, you like this game *a lot*. And if you're like me, accomplishing something particularly tough or noteworthy in this game makes you want to excitedly share it with everyone. And, well, if you're like me, your desire to share your accomplishments are in serious conflict with your desire to not annoy others with countless new topics about silly things, or perhaps a desire to not show off too much, and those feelings all bubble up until you end up writing a big post in the wrong topic, possibly derailing a thread or otherwise being out of place
Anyway, I decided to make this topic so that anyone who wants to excitedly flaunt their achievements, of any kind, can do so as much as they want without feeling self-concious! Whether you've just beaten the Venture Cave, or the Tower of Gaan-Telet, or the Vicious Token Vicious Gaan-Telet (with a Goatperson), if you're proud and want to share, you're welcome to post here
Please note that I'm absolutely not trying to discourage other people from creating their own topics to brag or share their accomplishments in pre-existing threads! I'm mainly doing this to assuage my own self-conciousness, since it feels okay to brag when others are bragging with you Besides, I thought it could be fun to congratulate each other and maybe provide inspiration for when we're struggling.
So, tell us: What have you accomplished recently? What are your proudest moments in this game?
Myself, I just beat the Cursed Oasis with a Monk. Funny enough, PQI sent me there to get Cheeky, and without thinking (it's just Cheeky after all), I send an Orc Monk in there without preparations. As soon as I enter the dungeon, I realise what I got myself into XD So I back out and start thinking how in the world I'm supposed to beat this dungeon with a Monk (my completion for all Hard dungeons is nearing 100%, so I'm going to have to do it at some point). In the end I decide to go in as a Gnome Monk of Jehora Jeheyu, and play it pure caster from start to finish. Preps were JJ, Elven Boots, Slayer Wand, Magnet: Fireball, Black Market, Whupaz+Quicksliver+Reflexes+Schadenfreude (wasn't thinking about that one, haha) + Apothecary. Forgot to prep a compression seal, would've made my life easier...
Anyhow, got two shots of boost mana as I leveled up early on animated armors, then switched focus to bandits and occasionally shades as the blackspace was getting low. Decided to buy a Dragon Soul in the shop halfway through, since the rest of the shop pool was rubbish and I figured I could convert the spare... Ended up getting one hit of Boost Health to avoid Piety overflow (saved this run in the end) as well, started on the Shade boss at levels 6-to-7, then Chaos-Avatar to 8, managing to take him down without using my prepped Shadenfreude thanks to the lowered resists(though I did need a couple of Mana potions). Then, onto the Cursed Dragon... I had to start worrying since it had quite a bit more health than I'd rememberd, and the Retaliate Fireball was going to get through my health much faster than I'd anticipated. Thankfully, there was a Dracul altar along with a Taurog altar... so I desecrate Taurog's altar, convert anything I get my hands on, kill any weak enemy left... and get *just* 50 Piety. Then Blood Curse and two hits (later a third one) of Blood Tithe give me the staying power I need to keep pelting him with fireballs. I end up one fireball short and panic... only to remember that I can obviously convert my Elven Boots and Dragon Soul for one last mana potion, and that the final fireball doesn't get a retaliation. Whew!
Although overall, my proudest accomplishment has to be when I beat the Dragon Isles Purist and got Feeling Parched in the same run. Felt absoultely kickass. =D
Alright, I've done my bragging for now. Your turn!