by choongmyoung on Tue Dec 25, 2018 2:48 am
Haven't won anything... The most successful run was VT Gorgon with Binlor+PM start. I was able to get 65% resists quite early, but I think I really need HALPMEH to be successful. Purist Berserker and Orc Monk (to take a vid) was not bad, but far from win.
btw, I quick-mathed blackspaces and mana regen to make sure why pure caster build isn't possible in VGT.
+ Blackspaces: 674 mana
+ Level-ups: 450 mana (30 mana × 15 levelups)
- Beat H with Flames+Ring+Wand, Wizard: 68 Fireballs = 340 mana
= Total mana left: 784 mana
= Possible damage output: 784 / 5 × 70 = 10,976 damage (Flames+Ring, 10 dmg from burning)
But if there's only standard health no resist monsters in the subs, that's already 10,300 health. Simply there's not enough damage. Even the Chemist shouldn't do the job.