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Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:53 am

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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby AvovA17 on Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:17 pm

Yeah, I meant the Vampire, of course.

Thanks, this is helpful. I guess I have to do the gold challenges first before I tackled VGT.
Otherwise all the restarts due to bad items drain too much money and waste my time and nerve cells :).
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:16 am


Forget about the time, I played some boardgames with my friends during the run.
This is probably the worst shop spawn considering what I've veto'd for a standard VGT run, a Stone Sigil and a Spoon were the best items I've got (and the Sigil is pretty useless compared to other items for the Paladin of GG), and I still managed to win. Though it was extremely close; the last hit was literally my last bit of hit with everything I can pull off. Granted I've got 2nd tower PM, but since I had quite some unfortunate levelup timings, so I think purist miser may be possible with considerable luck. I like purist over VT just because it costs nothing.
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Sat Jul 07, 2018 7:58 am

Now I've learned how to use Paladin of Dracul with the body pact.

I once thought the warrior's pact (hp+1) was good to go with the Stone Sigil, because even with 0 piety when I kill one I get +3 piety which is immediately spent to fuel the pact. In contrary, body pact needs 4 piety per application and it means I need not to use HALPMEH during a fight. However it wasn't too good because the health approach consumed the bloodpools too fast. The answer was to consume bloodpools and piety sparkles to get enough piety to fuel the body pact.

For a side note: if you had not enough piety to activate the body pact (3 piety if you have lifesteal) at the first hit, then you can never pull off the resists from the enemy even if you have enough piety for your next hit.

Orc Monk
Human Palain of GG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26pX1nse_68
Human Wizard : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hTyEvr0Bg
Human Rogue : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVE9adhUgfE
Human Sorcerer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4PX8hCwvAI
Vampire : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox2U2LFWqMo
Dwarf Rogue : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSTnM_sUam0
Human Crusader : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6TzXRdhwgg
Human Paladin of Dracul : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szrcNyfrHDA (<< NEW!)
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby Castelvan on Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:29 am

That Dracul run is great.
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:58 am

Posts: 258
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:54 am

Because my last (and first) goat win was very lucky (EM on curse) and had a serious mistake (punished by EM, I thought I was under TT), I'm uploading a new goat run. The run would be more reliable, and more educational.

Principle is still the same - MADLY convert your foods under JJ or GG. Just don't buy the lifesteal ability.

Goat win (2) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBjGYuIO4k0
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Tue Dec 25, 2018 2:48 am

Haven't won anything... The most successful run was VT Gorgon with Binlor+PM start. I was able to get 65% resists quite early, but I think I really need HALPMEH to be successful. Purist Berserker and Orc Monk (to take a vid) was not bad, but far from win.

btw, I quick-mathed blackspaces and mana regen to make sure why pure caster build isn't possible in VGT.
+ Blackspaces: 674 mana
+ Level-ups: 450 mana (30 mana × 15 levelups)
- Beat H with Flames+Ring+Wand, Wizard: 68 Fireballs = 340 mana
= Total mana left: 784 mana
= Possible damage output: 784 / 5 × 70 = 10,976 damage (Flames+Ring, 10 dmg from burning)
But if there's only standard health no resist monsters in the subs, that's already 10,300 health. Simply there's not enough damage. Even the Chemist shouldn't do the job.
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby zayyeh on Tue Dec 25, 2018 8:53 pm

Haven't done any math, but do not forget Dragon Soul. Someone spent 6 mana on clearing whole VGT once they've picked it up in some parallel universe, they say.
We made an expansion and it is awesome. Download over at ddmod.weebly.com.
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Re: Choongmyoung's diary of VGT runs

Postby choongmyoung on Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:47 pm

Oh my lovely Gorgon! It's my second win of VGT VT other than Vampy/Infinimuter.


VGT VT, Gorgon of Binlor+PM→Dracul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVJeyiwkNQY

Gorgon is really strong with Binlor+PM approach, because she has initial ENDISWAL (-35 piety loss) and starting 25% pr, where mr can be compensated from Binlor. Also she only needs to recover attack bonus unlike Monk which is far easier than base attack. Knockback is a great addition in particular.

Purist with Gorgon would be really hard just because she cannot start with Binlor+PM.
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