A few suggestions if they haven't been made already.

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A few suggestions if they haven't been made already.

Postby Amberdai on Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:14 pm

While playing the beta one thing I missed from the old game was an in game explaination as to what each god likes and dislikes. What would make you gain piety and what makes you lose it. As far as I can tell there no real way without trial and error to figure out how the current gods work.

I figured out that Taurog, likes you killing stuff and dislikes magic use. and converting his weapons and armor is bad. however Mysteria is a bit more complex, She likes you using magic and dislikes you converting magic but that all I figured out.

I just got Tikki and Glowing Guardian doesn't seem to react with Helpme glyphs or Cydstepp actually I seem to gain piety from converting Cydstep.

So ya, someway to know in game what helps you gain piety or lose piety without having to look up on Wiki or the forums woudl be nice.
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Re: A few suggestions if they haven't been made already.

Postby dislekcia on Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:55 pm

There's a panel in the tab list that shows you your piety log, telling you exactly what a god did or did not like :)
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Re: A few suggestions if they haven't been made already.

Postby Amberdai on Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:35 pm

I was talking about before you join and not have to do some trail and error to figure out what can and can't be done.

Like take Taurog I only found out recently he doesn't like his items converted. I also found while worshipping Taurog it was safe to descrate Mysteria shrine. However I don't know what happen if I desecrate Tikki shrine, Dracul, Taurog, or Glowing guardian.

It took some trial and eror to find out that Tikki only gave piety to someone for killing off a weaker enemy. this info would be good to know before picking a diety SOMEWHERE IN GAME.
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Re: A few suggestions if they haven't been made already.

Postby dislekcia on Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:10 pm

You're discovering gods that have lain dormant for centuries. How would anyone know stuff about them before that? Most roguelikes have identification, DD has gods that you have to figure out over time. Having the odd non-optimal run isn't really the end of the world, is it?
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