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About Health and Attack powerups (the kind scattered about the dungeon): Can we get some explanation on these things? After noticing that the attack power up does nothing for a level 1 character, I've been holding off on getting them. Likewise, the health power ups give more health at higher levels.

What I want to know is, should I hold off on getting them or do they scale to level even after you've gotten them? --golden_cow2

The attack power ups give you a 10% percentage bonus over your base damage per power up, so this extra damage will raise as your base damage does. So get them as soon as your strategy allows you. --Lanis
Likewise the health bonus also scales with your level (1 MAX HP per level, the same as Dwarf glyph conversion). No need to hold off. --fall_ark
The Health Bonus should probably be shown when you hover over your health as it does for damage, then, to at least partially clear up the issue. --Twinge

I've found it really evil that the Escape key closes the entire game instantly. I've already lost at least 2 characters from tapping escape trying to cancel a spell :/ (I'm aware right click cancels, but habits from other games don't die so easily...) --Twinge

Agreed. I lost 5 or so promising characters because of that. Changing the 'instant close' key to something like F12 and having the ESC key one ask if you want to exit would work better and without functionality loss. --Lanis
More keyboard-friendly controls will certainly make the game better! e.g. Arrow keys for moving, 5/6 for potions, SPACE/ENTER/ESC for shop and altar conversations. So on. --fall_ark
Asbolutely, I just listed the most pressing issue first =) Even if the mouse is still required in the end (though it probably doesn't need to be), numpad movement would be a definitely improvement. I'm thinking Y/N for shops and altars to make it clear what your selection is - though space could also default to a 'no' response. --Twinge

I like this game a lot :)

Minor bugs with message displays and altars - 1) If you move on to an altar which also uncovers a boss at the same time, you'll only get the boss's speech and no altar message. 2) If you attack a monster on an altar (summoned by WONAFYT), you'll get the altar message and conversion opportunity without actually stepping on the altar. I assume these issues arise with shops as well. --Twinge