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This page is about the Full/Beta Version of the game, if you are looking for the Alpha/Free Version, see Alpha:Human
Human.png Human

100 points = +10% Attack Bonus

Suggested Classes
Lives in The Neighbourhood
Class portraits
Human Fighter.pngHuman Berserker.pngHuman Warlord.png Human Thief.pngHuman Rogue.pngHuman Assassin.png
Human Priest.pngHuman Monk.pngHuman Paladin.png Human Wizard.pngHuman Sorcerer.pngHuman Bloodmage.png
Human Crusader.pngHuman Transmuter.pngHuman Tinker.png
Human is the most well-rounded race. Pretty much any character class can make excellent use of attack bonus, and the benefits of attack bonus scale very well as you level up. Although the human is overshadowed by the Orc at lower levels, he shines at the higher levels.

Human vs Orc Comparison

The human's conversion provides attack bonus, while the orc's conversion bonus provides stacking base damage. Understanding the difference between these two is important to knowing when to use humans and when to use Orcs.

Your total damage is equal to your attack bonus multiplied by your base attack. This ironically means that humans (with a high attack bonus) are always looking for ways to boost their base attack, and orcs (with a high base attack) are always looking for ways to boost their attack bonus. There are more class benefits, items and power-ups to improve your attack bonus for the orc, but base attack improves naturally as you level up so humans will eventually overtake the orc anyways as they reach higher levels. However, if you can convert lots of things as a lower-level character, Orcs can drastically increase their attack power in ways humans can only dream of.

  • Humans perform better than Orcs if you're a high-level character
  • Humans perform better than Orcs if you're not converting very much
  • Humans perform better than Orcs if your natural attack bonus is relatively low


The human conversion bonus isn't very significant at lower levels, so it's often worthwhile to keep utility glyphs in your inventory. However, because their racial bonus is passive you can really benefit over the long-term from repeated conversions. At higher-levels, the human matures into easily the best race for a brawling combatant, and damage above 100 per hit at level 10 is not uncommon.

Humans perform well for pretty much any class. The only classes they are not advised for are the Crusader and the Rogue, which strongly prefer the Orc due to the fact that their attack bonus is already very high from their class features.