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|Berserks at 50%
|Berserks at 50%
|Berserker Camp
|Berserker Camp
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|25% Physical resist, Cursed
|25% Physical resist, Cursed
|Naga City
|Naga City

Revision as of 00:24, 12 June 2012

This page is about the Full/Beta Version of the game, if you are looking for the Alpha/Free Version, see Alpha:Monsters

There are many different monster types you will encounter throughout Desktop Dungeons. They have a range of abilities and stats, and each present a unique difficulty to the player. There are two formulas to determine the base stats for every monster. For hp, you use (n+3)²+10, where n is the monsters level, and for attack you use (n*(n+5))/2, where n is the monsters level. Monsters also have an attack and hp percent value. That indicates what percent of the base number provided below they have. For example, Bandits have 100% hp and 66% attack. Therefore a level 3 Bandit would do 8 damage and have 26 hp.

Level Base Attack Base Health
1 3 6
2 7 15
3 12 26
4 18 39
5 25 54
6 33 71
7 42 90
8 52 111
9 63 134
10 75 159

What kind of dungeon you are in also affects monster stats. Monsters in easy dungeons have 90% of way they would normally have, monsters in Normal dungeons have their normal stats, monsters in hard dungeons have 120% of what they would normally have, and monsters in vicious dungeons have 133% of what they would normally have.

List of Monsters

Basic Monsters

Common monsters found in just about any dungeon.

Image Name Attack Health Traits Boss Location
Bandit Cursed Tomithy Longdall Any
Dragon Spawn.png
Dragon Spawn Magical Attack The Firstborn Any
Goat Magic resist 25% Bleaty Any
Goblin First Strike Lord Gobb Any
Golem Magic resist 50% The Iron Man Any
Goo Blob.png
Goo Blob Physical resist 50% Tower of Goo Any
Gorgon First Strike, Death-gaze 50% Medusa Any
Meat Man.png
Meat Man Super Meat Man Any
Serpent Poisonous Tormented One Any
Warlock Magical Attack Aequitas Any
Wraith Undead, Mana Burn, Magical Attack, Physical Resist 30% Tormented One Any
Zombie Undead Frank the Zombie Any

Advanced Monsters

Stronger monsters found as you venture further outside the kingdom.

Image Name Attack Health Traits Boss Location
Animated Armor.png
Animated Armor Magical attack, Death Protection (1 layer per level) Halls of Steel
Acid Blob.png
Acid Blob Corrosive, Magical attack Naga City
Berserker Berserks at 50% Berserker Camp
Burn Viper.png
Burn Viper Mana burn, Blinks Berserker Camp, Naga City
Cave Snake.png
Cave Snake Poisonous, Spawns Magma Mines
Changeling Varies by class Shifting Passages
Cultist Cowardly, Revives (into Zombie)
Desert Troll.png
Desert Troll Cowardly, Fast regen Northern Desert
Djinn Magical attack, Counters fireball
Doom Armor.png
Doom Armor Berserks at 50%, Death Protection (1 layer per level) Demonic Library
Druid Magical attack, Death Protection Havendale Bridge, Dragon Isle, Western Jungle (Boss only)
Forest Troll.png
Forest Troll Cowardly, Fast regen, 25% magic resist Dragon Isle
Frozen Troll.png
Frozen Troll Cowardly, 50% Physical resist, 50% Magical resist, Magical attack
Imp Blinks Demonic Library
Illusion 50% Physical resist, Counters fireball, Weakening blow Halls of Steel
Minotaur Knockback 50%, Berserks at 50% Magma Mines, Shifting Passages, The Labyrinth (Boss only)
Naga Weakening blow Ick Swamp, Naga City
Rock Troll.png
Rock Troll Cowardly, Fast regen, knockback 50% Rock Garden
Rusalka Corrosive Havendale Bridge
Steel Golem.png
Steel Golem 25% Physical resist, Cursed Naga City
Shade 30% Physical resist, Undead, Blinks, Life steal 40% Creeplight Ruins (after killing sacrificial goat)
Tokoloshe Cowardly, 50% Physical resist; Drops Tokoloshe Charm on death Havendage Bridge
Vampire Life steal 40%, Magical attack Ick Swamp, Eastern Tundra (Boss only)

Monster Traits

Name Notes
First strike Offsets your own first-strike ability, whether from level or status.
Poisonous Being hit by this monster gives the Poison status.
Mana Burn Being hit by this monster gives the Mana Burn status.
Corrosive Being hit by this monster gives one level of Corroded status (+1 damage on hit)
Weakens Being hit by this monster gives one level of Weakened status (-1 damage on attack)
Lower resists X% Being hit by this monster reduces your resist levels by X%.
Life steal X% When this monster is revealed, if your life is above X%, it is drained by (how much?) and added to the monster's life total.
Magical attack Attacks by this monster are magical and apply against magic resist.
X% Physical resist Physical damage to this monster is reduced by X%.
X% Magic resist Magical damage to this monster is reduced by X%.
Revives Monster becomes another monster on death. Specifics depend on creature and level.
Cowardly Monster backs up one square when hit.
Blinks Monster teleports to a random square when hit.
Fast regen Monster regenerates health twice as fast.
Counters fireball Hitting this monster with a fireball will trigger a regular counter-attack (damage is still dealt)
Death protection (X) Monster is protected from death X times: A hit that would kill reduces the monster to 1 HP instead.
Berserk X% Monster does x1.5 damage if its own health is below X% of maximum.
Death Gaze X% Monster's attack instakills if your health is below X% of maximum.
Knockback X% The monster's attack pushes you back one square. If this pushes you into a wall you take an extra X% of the monster's damage and the wall is destroyed. This cannot kill you.