What is SpaceHack?

What happens when you combine elements of a RogueLike, Hack ‘n Slash gameplay and SHMUP-style enemies and bullet patterns with random generation algorithms? In our experience: A lot of really big smiles, shouts of “Oh Cool!” as new weapons are picked up, dedication to “just one more time” that borders on obsession and seething hatred for teleporting ambush-squid bosses.

Also missiles. A lot of missiles.

SpaceHack pits you against hordes of enemy fighters and capital ships, as you try to escape from the shattered space that you find yourself in. Utilising a truly vast library of weapons and gadgets with some stunning and devastating effects, you navigate one of the many possible plotlines in the weird shatterspace. Built from the ground up to deliver a pulse-pounding experience, the game tracks how you play and generates new enemies, bosses, and weapons based on how well you’re doing!

Spacehack Screenshots

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