27 Oct 10
We’ve been working with an incredible artist for the past couple of months, getting the full version out of our heads and into shape. I think it’s time we started showing off some of that process (because everyone loves art)… First up, character portrait concepts:
I literally can’t pick a favorite.
Current activity, now that we’re well and truly done with IGF entry stuff:
Aequitas is beavering away at the quest and tutorial systems, getting everything ready for content and doing a ton of behind-the-scenes stuff like writing saving/loading subsystems. Nandrew’s been re-designing the tutorial so that it’s better than the old one at one or two things, as well as getting people into the new systems in the full version. He’s also re-balancing the spell glyphs based on all the data we’ve got from the freeware version, tweaking the ones nobody enjoyed using and possibly even adding a couple of new ones we’ve had ideas for. I’m back to poking at the interface after spending last week working on the Kingdom and its progression.
19 Oct 10
So, after thinking long and hard about whether it was a good idea or not, we decided to enter Desktop Dungeons in the IGF. We entered the freeware version, as the Unity build is just not good enough for human consumption right now.
One of the prerequisites for IGF entry is a video showcasing the game, in case it’s too hard and the judges have trouble getting very far … so naturally we made our video a survival guide!
17 Oct 10
Just a quick graphics and obscure OMG-what-the-crap-happened-there bug focused update in time for the IGF. Unfortunately the Unity version simply isn’t complete enough yet (read: It plays well, but looks like crap and the progression stuff isn’t done yet) so we’re entering the freeware version, hence the update to the thing we said we wouldn’t be updating anymore… Hopefully we’ll be able to update our entry as the full game starts collecting polish tokens.
DD v0.15 contains a lot less red line of death and a bajillion percent more footprints. It’s also got snazzy new class-specific sprites designed to fit into Derek Yu’s already awesome tileset, courtesy of the extremely kind Brian Bugh, which you can see above (the sprites, not Brian himself). To top it off, we’ve added our favorite tilesets so far from the TIGsource tileset thread and Twitter.
As usual, all you have to do to carry your progress over from v0.145 is to simply copy the contents of your chardata directory across to the new version… Here’s a direct link to the new version, enjoy! Now I need to go figure out how our IGF entry video is going to work.