Enemy sprites and interviews
Last week I lobbed a couple of pics of the hastily-thrown-together tileset editor at twitter. This week I’ve been getting the new graphics into the game, witness a test dungeon:
The new tilesets give the player slightly more information about the dungeon.
Lurk’s been doing an amazing job with the monster and character sprites, if the interface didn’t still look like a coder’s breakfast, you’d see how much the Rogue sprite looks like his portrait… Yes, we’re still using some of the old sprites as placeholders for now. I would have finished changing those by now if we hadn’t been busy being interviewed so much:
- Gamasutra’s Road To The IGF: The Quick-Burst Roguelike Fun Of Desktop Dungeons – In which we talk roguelike difficulty curves and accessibility, which IGF finalists we’ve been playing and how much sleep we’re getting.
- Rock Paper Shotgun asks Where Next For Desktop Dungeons and gets philosophical about game cloning, has comment wars comparing imaginary comparisons to apartheid to Hitler and lots of features we haven’t talked about yet.
- Not quite as recently, local site Lazygamer talked to us about all sorts of crap and we mostly made really bad jokes and were exposed as Vin Diesel admirers.
P.S. I can’t believe we forgot to blag about The Last Fleet being selected as a Gamesauce Challenge winner! Marc and Rodain were thence invited to Casual Connect Europe (which is just about to end) but we’re running a little low on Out of Africa money, so one of the runners-up got to go instead.