20 Dec 10

Gamasutra’s top 10 indie games of 2010 list

Desktop Dungeons has made its way into the Gamasutra top 10 indie games of 2010 at an incredibly startling #3! Huge thanks to the awesome editors at Indiegames.com whose regard for Rodain’s design hax is well documented, but they’ve really outdone themselves this time:

“Rodain Joubert has managed to do something that other developers could only dream of — achieve a perfect balance between casual and hardcore with his freeware roguelike game, Desktop Dungeons. Every gameplay session usually lasts for only about 15 minutes, yet the unlockable achievements, playable characters and bonus dungeons will keep the fans coming back for more. The game is popular enough to spawn its own wiki resource, regularly updated to keep track of new spells, deities, enemies, character classes and dungeon areas.

But wait, there’s more! If you don’t like the default tileset (drawn by Spelunky creator Derek Yu) that comes bundled with Desktop Dungeons, you could always download and switch between other custom tilesets found in a variety of online forum threads dedicated to the game. When you lose, it’s usually because you’ve not planned ahead, so be sure to brush up on your tactics and calculations before spending time with this indie gem.”

That is some truly nice stuff to say about our little game. We <3 you (and all the new visitors) too!

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